Feb 1, 2022
In today’s episode, James connects with Melissa Dlugolecki on how she went from 6 figures in debt to building a 7 figure business.
Melissa Dlugolecki is the co-founder of 90DAYCEO and a bereaved mother on a mission to spread her daughter Leyden's light while reminding others of the power they have within. After scaling her online coaching business to 6 then 7 figures without paid ads, she now helps other online coaches and consultants spread their mission and impact without worrying about followers, perfect websites or fancy photos.... but rather staying clear on their purpose and serving their communities with intention
Topics discussed:
Connect with Melissa:
Website: www.moochandmel.com
Instagram: @mindsetandmalbec
Connect with James:
Web: www.JamesSilvas.com
IG/FB: @James_silvas
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