Oct 25, 2023
Episode 276: Key Principles for building a top 1% physique with Michael Sheedy
Today, James connects with Online Fitness Coach, Personal Trainer, and Entrepreneur Michael Sheedy.
Michael has committed his life to understanding the human body and how to get the most out of your fitness routines.
Oct 11, 2023
Episode 274: Transcendent Leadership: Moving from “Not enough” to Peace w Carissa Johnsen
Carissa Johnsen is an International Spiritual Guide, Transformational Speaker, and Podcast host of Transcendent Leadership.
She has a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and is a Certified Shamanic...
Oct 4, 2023
Title: Utilizing Breath for Recovery, Transformation, and Performance with Samantha Skelly
Samantha Skelly is the founder and CEO of the multi-million dollar Breathwork and Wellness company, Pause Breathwork. She’s an international speaker, best-selling author, top-rated podcast hose, and coaching expert...